Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do you get what you expect ?

within us, we have the awesome power to be the magnificent beings that we truly are. That is, if we can only believe in ourselves, truly believe we will find a way to access that inner strength. As a result, the world will witness our inner power as our actions make a difference for all to see. When you believed you could make a difference, new possibilities showed up for you that were previously invisible to you before and the voices of fear and doubt went away. What we materialize in life will be directly related to our expectations.

If we expect our future to be better than our present condition, we will generate enough self motivation to do what it takes to realize this expectation. When we expect our future to be worse than our current situation, which negative expectations will result in behavior that is consistent with that expectation. “We sabotage ourselves when we don’t believe in our self” and then we become afraid and act on our fears. And if we have an expectation that our future will be about the same as our present state, we generate an apathetic attitude that will make it be just that, more of the same we have now. We generate just enough self-motivation to maintain the status. As soon as things are starting to lookup, we find a way to kick them back to more of what we’ve been accustomed to expect.

So, create a mental vision for what your future will be like. Anything and everything that would make life worth living for you. Make your vision so motivating and real that you will expect it to come into being and, as a result of these expectations, do what ever it takes to generate the actions necessary to achieve it.

We all already do have a vision for what our future will look like. For most of us it’s just more of the same that we’ve had in the past. We use this evidence of past experience to expect more of better or slightly different improvements that is. What we miss seeing is that we can actually create, on purpose, a vision of what our ideal lives will look like. Then it’s just a matter of finding what it will take to realize this vision.

The element critical to any powerful and inspiring vision is contribution to others. Any vision that is only about you personally is self-serving at best and lacing the inspiration to motivate others to take on your vision themselves. It’s also the reason why a powerful, compelling vision must be spoken aloud to inspire others. It must be spoken aloud to inspire others. It must not only live in your head and heart, but in the world for it to have its greatest impact on others. It’s when your vision is clear and compelling and lives as your expectations for what the future holds that it will manifest externally in the world.

Now, you get what you expect!